Delivering ‘Different’



Helping professional services deliver value through
innovation and effective change management



It's time to deliver different...



It’s time we think differently about how we deliver
legal and professional services to meet new demands.

“If you dislike change, you’re going to like irrelevance even more”
~ Eric Shinseki, 2001



What we do

To help you deliver different tomorrow, we first need to understand where you are today.

Review existing processes, tools, technology and sourcing
Talk with your clients to assess strengths and weaknesses
Analyse your data, assess profit or value ‘leakage’
Review the market – your competitors; local, national and international market trends
Identify gaps and opportunities where you could do things differently
Provide recommendations around what your team should keep doing , stop doing, or do differently
Help your team implement ideas to deliver different

Harness organisational diversity to manage the people side of change 

More customisation, more insight, more value

Delivering good quality legal advice is no longer enough. With increasing demands to do more with less, lawyers need to deliver more customisation, more insight, more value.

Innovation isn’t an over used “buzz” word – it’s simply under implemented.

The time has come to embrace legal innovation, implement it, and embed it.

Recent blog posts

Back to the future

Back to the future

Imagine stepping into a world where the tools of your trade suddenly leap years ahead, transforming not just how you work, but reshaping the very fabric of your profession overnight. This is not a scene from a futuristic sci-fi novel. It's happening right now in the...

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Innovating in the New Normal

Innovating in the New Normal

The new normal brings new opportunities to do things differently. However, before applying a legal technology bandaid, first do your homework to understand the current process: how it could be enhanced, what impacts will it have, how will you manage the change, what issues could technology help solve?

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Stickiness of Innovation Post-Pandemic

Stickiness of Innovation Post-Pandemic

I had the opportunity to reflect on the CLI-ALPMA Innovation and LegalTech 2021 Conference and on the final wrap up day explore the “stickiness of innovation post-pandemic” or essentially – what will make innovation and transformation sustainable in 2021 and beyond....

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